Intellectual property rights (IPR) are territorial rights that can be registered with a legal authority in some presentable or tangible form which can be sold or bought or licensed, similar to
The recent rise in the use of generative AI capable of producing original, creative content, has introduced new complexities in copyright law. Conventionally, copyright infringement claims aimed to identify plagiarism
AI has revolutionized industries such as healthcare, finance, and retail by offering unmatched capabilities in processing data, automating tasks, and making decisions. However, AI's dependence on large databases - often
“Privacy is not an option and it shouldn't be the price we accept for just getting on the Internet.” Gary Kovacs The Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 marks a
Along with the development of technology, the digital world becomes susceptible to all sorts of cyber fraud. Among the newest and most promising threats here is the Digital Arrest Scam.
The internet has become a global platform for the exchange of ideas, ideologies, and information. In the digital age, it has enabled individuals to express themselves and connect with people
The twenty-first century is known for its development in technology and now that all the data is digitized doing identity theft has become very easy. Various developed countries have strict